Conveyancing – Useful Information to all Clients
In respect of Conveyancing during this difficult period our Conveyancing teams are working from home in the same way they would do in the office. We are trying to use email as our primary communication method where possible and will keep clients updated of any progress. Most firms of solicitors have some sort of continuity plan in place during the lockdown period, we are therefore still able to progress your matter in the usual way, by checking contract packs on a purchase and producing them on the sale; dealing with and raising enquiries from this initial paperwork; ordering searches; preparing documents for you to sign.
We understand that mortgage valuations are not generally taking place at the moment for obvious reasons. Hopefully post lockdown this may be the only documentation we are waiting for on many transactions, so subject to the same, we will be endeavouring to set up completions as soon as the restrictions allow.
Our Conveyancing teams are following the current Law Society and Government guidelines in that we will not be completing on any sale or purchase, (other than those that exchanged prior to the lockdown), where there will be movement into, or out of a property. There may be some exceptional circumstances where we may consider an exchange and completion on the same day, if this can be agreed by the solicitor acting for the other party. These circumstances include the following:
1. Where a vulnerable person needs to move into an empty property for their own safety and the parties agree to abide by social distancing rules during the move.
2. Where an empty property is being sold or purchased that is not in a chain provided the purchaser confirms that they will not move into the property until after restrictions are lifted, they will need to put buildings insurance in place that would cover an empty property which is likely to be more expensive than usual. The purchaser will need to bear in mind, (if buying with the aid of a mortgage), that they will be paying a mortgage on a property that they cannot occupy for possibly months.
3. If a family member or tenant is buying the property that they live in.